A Sustainable Era, it´s our responsibility!

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Nowdays we are going through difficult times around the world, but at the same time we have the opportunity to realize about what our planet is claiming and askying from us. Wen we open our eyes, and see the sky it looks different, the air is clean, the sea shines, nature is taking a break from us, and right here we become aware of all the damage we have been causing. It is time to change.! We need to reappraise the way we have been living, what we are or not doing, what we are consuming, what we are going to be able to take care of our home.

Thinking about our love for the planet and taking care of our children is the way Baby Puchkay was born 5 years ago. We believe in a better, organic, natural, fair and in colorful world in which we can teach and share with the household´s little ones. Based on our sustainable practices we attire children in soft, silky and anti-allergic garments made by natural fibers, applying ancestral techniques of spinning, knitting weaving crochet and embroidery which are also naturally hand-dyed. We are really committed to the protection of our world and life since it is the best way to guarantee the present and future for us and our children´s children. That´s why we make sure to use only natural materials free from any harmful substance.

Our passion to impact the world and other lives leads us to work in collaboration with artisans of rural communities of Perú who most of the times are low-income communities. Due to our joint work, we have the opportunity of being grateful for their knowledge about spinning and knitting techniques which along with our desing contribution it is transformed in art that belong to each and every one of our collections. These artisans receive a fair wage as a result of their great job made with love. In this way, they are able to improve their quality life, their children go to school and they already have electricity at home due to their job.

We support, choose and strengthen the local economy. By supporting each other as entrepreneurs, we bet for a world in a constant change, we believe in the change that we can create!

Let´s knit with love an eco-friendly world together!

Angela AlarconComment